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Hospital patient preference for digital signage

Hospital patient preference for digital signage

This study evaluated patient participation and effectiveness of hospital brand messages, nearly 75% of visitors said: as long as they watched the MedCenterDisplay of the screen, at least you can remember this network played a message.

According to Abby commissioned MedCenterDisplay record for media and market research found that: three-quarters of the United States eight hospital patients and caregivers feel that digital signage technology to enhance the experience of the hospital, they can use it to provide health information

MedCenterDisplay hundreds of hospitals across the United States to participate in the network to provide digitized, this study focuses on digital signage placed in hospital use and operation of the patient and related personnel conducted a field interview.

Survey respondents said video information and education above dynamic picture is far superior to the paper version of the dissemination of information from the screen, they learned new things, and the extent of the information has reached 4.0 to 4.5 (5 being the highest).

MedCenterDisplay's CEO said in the announcement: "We believe that these results clearly show that: in the hospital to build a strong need for patients participating in the network, so you can make the patient and the hospital closely together to improve the value of health care, hospital communication is the key to health care services in the digital messages on the screen can also improve patient satisfaction with hospital services. "

On average, visitors in the hospital for basic education is 1 hour 8 minutes.

Respondents showed that: hospital news, health news and maintaining general good health is the most interesting news, its appeal reaches 4.0 to 4.6. These rankings correspond to a recent report, health care has become the Internet's top search topics.

The report also found that only one third of the visitors is the hospital's patients. Two-thirds of the family members and caregivers of patients who, according to the American Association of Retired Persons, said the number of adult caregivers increasing estimated that nearly 45 million people.

"The hospital itself is trying to make every patient has a genuine opportunity to participate, hoping to make every patient to participate in the long-term recovery process in the past." Tarquinio said.

Abby startups Media Research senior analyst Diane Williams said in the announcement: "Our research shows that viewers would be more seen on the digital display health information network, which also shows that these networks than hospitals elsewhere information channels more convincing. "




Contact: Jackie Zi

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E-mail: info@forudigital.com


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